
Everybody has roots. Some people know a lot about theirs and cherish them. Sometimes, you have to get a little older before you start to appreciate where you came from. Anyone who has begun to search will tell you that you never know what you may find.

Our family’s roots run deep as well. For the last seven generations, those roots have been firmly planted in Bedford County, Pennsylvania. Before that, they wound through Maryland and the search continues for how they got there. What is clear, thanks to the modern technology of Y-DNA testing and analysis, that there is a connection to Scotland and that they were there for many centuries.

This site is a celebration of origins- recent and more ancient. I plan to share what we already know and explore some ideas and concepts that are a little less tangible. I also hope it will serve is a semi-permanent record of where the lineage is and where it has been. May it inspire curiosity to and serve as a resource for future generations to appreciate their legacy.

…about me

Thomas John Little was born in Bedford County, Pennsylvania USA in 1950. He is a graduate of the Pennsylvania State University and was a pilot in the US Air Force. After a career in commercial aviation, Tom is now retired and lives in Harrisburg PA.
Genetic-genealogy and family history is a hobby. I give credit to my cousins Gaylord Little and Nadine Roddy for aiding me along my way with their collection of family records, photos, and stories.